Rehabilitation methods for the physically disabled can be done by utilizing movement aids or prosthetics. However, most prosthetic fingers on the market only focus on aesthetic functions without paying attention to the function of finger mechanics so that not all people with disabilities who lose fingers can utilize various types of prosthetic fingers. The purpose of this research is to develop a prosthetic finger design to be more affordable for people with disabilities with a high level of accuracy and organization and produce prosthetic finger products that have good performance and strength, and in accordance with the needs and desires of users. This research involves experimental methods and iterative testing. The use of this prosthetic finger is limited to people with disabilities who have lost their fingers. The success in this research shows that the components used in the prosthetic finger function properly until the prosthetic finger can move effectively with a delay between the TTP223 touch sensor module and the finger moving 132 milliseconds to 148 milliseconds from 0 degrees to 180 degrees.
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